Monday, November 9, 2015

October 26, 2015 (Sent on November 9, 2015, by mistake)

(Sorry, I thought I sent this a few weeks ago.)

Hi everyone!

Sorry I didn't get a letter out last week. I was too busy partying
over here.  We went to Bay's Mountain National Park with some members
last p-day and it took the whole day.  But I mean, it was fun. Way
fun. Hiking and picnicking and observing wildlife. Anyway.  Let's get
on with things....

So last week was a lot of fun.  Sheila got baptized! It was so great.
She was so ready, and is still doing great since then.  She seems to
really enjoy everything the gospel has to offer her, but we're still
meeting with her a lot to help her get fully settled into everything.
Besides, she's a party, so who wouldn't want to be around her?

We also got a new investigator. His name is Gus. He has met with the
missionaries before, but I think just with a mix up between transfers,
he got dropped somewhere along the line because he's super friendly
and very willing to meet with us again, but we haven't been able to
find a time to meet with him again yet. I'm very excited to see what
will happen with him.

So on to this week.  On Thursday we had exchanges, so I went over to
Johnson City for a day and hung out with Sister Lindford. Exchanges
are so fun. Everything about them is fun. It's like a fun sleepover,
but you learn a ton, and coming back from it is still really fun too.
I wish I could write everything that I learned while on it, but I was
honestly learning the entire time I was on it, so I'll just share one

So, I'm sure we've all heard how Mormons in general have this light
about them, and that's so cool, but while I was on exchanges, one of
the investigators we saw looked at me and Sister Lindford and said,
"You both have this light in your faces." That was the first time
someone said it specifically to me.  It just hit me this week how much
we really do have that spirit with us.  If you've been baptized and
you're living a worthy life, you'll have that spirit.  For those who
have been members their whole life, and even sometimes those who
haven't always been members, it's difficult to know sometimes when the
spirit is there. Yes, there are some obvious times of it being there,
but sometimes, you just don't know. But have you ever done something
that's just so dumb that you feel the spirit leave? That's got to be
the worst feeling ever.  In our baptismal covenant we're promised to
always have His spirit to be with us, and I can say now that that is
so true.  We become so comfortable with the feeling of the spirit that
we don't even know it's there.  My companion, Sister Beckstead, told me
this week, " You're more guided by the spirit than you know." That is
so true. "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say." He's said it.
He's bound. If you've been baptized and are living worthily, you've
got His spirit with you all the time.

Anyway, I really do love this gospel. It's the best thing in my life.
I hope all of you can feel that way, too. I hope you're all having a
great time, and all is going well. Have a good week, and don't forget
to write!

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