Monday, October 19, 2015

Let the Holy Spirit Guide - October 19, 2015

Hello everyone!

Sorry I didn't get a letter out last week.  I was busy partying at Bay's Mountain with some members.  We had a picnic and went hiking and it was seriously one of the funnest days of my mission so far.  It ended up taking up the whole day.  You can't blame me for not getting to writing when we had such a party.  Actually you can... 

So last week we had a baptism for Sheila!  It was so great.  She has such a light and happiness about her now that she's a member.  We're still working with her to get settled in, but she seems to be doing great!

This week we had exchanges. Yay! My first exchange of my mission!  I went to Johnson City with Sister Lindford for the day.  I loved every moment of it.  Exchanges seriously are such a great learning experience.  

Sorry this is such a sad tiny letter.  I have no time.  It also doesn't help that my iPad freaked out and deleted a whole letter that I worked so hard on, but my time is up.  I've got to go do the Lord's work now.  I love you all, and I love hearing from everyone.  Have a great week!

Sister Erin Shelton

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