Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015

Hi everyone!

So this week has been fun.  On Thursday we had exchanges, so I went
over to Pleasant Ridge with Sister Rowley for the day.  It's so fun
going out and seeing what other areas are doing, and learning things
that others are doing.  The fun thing I learned is just a fun way to
do companionship study.  Pull out something you want to study (i.e.
PMG, standard works) and just go to town reading and whenever you see
anything that stands out, just stop in the middle of whatever you're
reading and just talk about it.  I feel like that's honestly not that
creative, but it is so fun. It gets you so pumped, and you learn so
much.  Just try it.  It's a party.

The next day was zone conference.  I love zone conference so much.
It's hours upon hours of the spirit being dumped onto your soul!... I
hope that wasn't too dramatic.... Yeah, but anyway... The church is
releasing a short Christmas video on the 29th of November (maybe
sooner) and it is wonderful.  The church also bought some advertising
on YouTube to share that video for over a month.  Tithing money FTW!
Yeah, so we're now trying to find a lot of people through the Christmas
Season.  As the world stays busy and everyone wishes they could have
the Christmas spirit, us missionaries will be out and about sharing
that spirit that everyone wants this time of year, and we will show
them they want that all year round!

One other thing that happened at zone conference was President Griffin
gave us each a Book of Mormon and told us to read it and mark it up
and liken it to ourselves.  I almost didn't do it because I'm already
reading the Book of Mormon, but then I realized it was what I really
needed to do.  I'm in Helaman right now in my normal Book of Mormon
studying, and I'm in 1 Nephi with my likening studies.  So yeah, I'm
reading the Book of Mormon twice in a day. It sounds strange, but I
know it's what I need right now.  I challenge everyone reading this to
do the thing you know you need to do to help yourself the most even if
it seems strange.  Do it with real intent.  And can I suggest to you
all that the thing you need to do most very likely is something to do
with the spiritual side of life.  Like many people say when we ask if
they know of anyone who could use our message, "Everybody could use a
little more Jesus in their life."

Sister Shelton

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