Monday, December 7, 2015

Movie Missionary Week

Hey ya'll!

So, this week was fun!  It was like a movie!

It started out with exchanges.  I went over to Pleasant Ridge with
Sister Wright.  She came out with me, so we're both greenies.  It was
an adventure.  We had our whole day planned out, but it pretty much
all fell through, and so we did tracting for about four hours... In the
pouring rain.... Totally brought the wrong shoes for rain, too!
Couldn't do anything about it, either, because I was on exchanges.  But
it was so fulfilling!  I loved every minute of it because I was doing
God's work.  We even got a return appointment.  I guess I won't
because I was on exchanges, but they got one! Yay!

On Friday, we were going out to find some less active members, and we
just tried one who wasn't there, so we went on.  We were just in our
car listening to the amazing David Archuleta sing "The First Noel"
(because that song is gorgeous!) when my dear companion, Sister Johnson,
turned to me and said, "We need to go to [insert specific street
here].  When we drove past it, I just got a feeling that we really need
to go there, and I've been fighting it off for a moment, but I'm not
going to any more." So we pulled out our area book to see who lived
there, and we had a potential investigator named Pam, and a less
active member.  We decided to go to Pam.

We found her house, or I should say the ginormous hill that went to
what should be her house.  We were about to go up when a car started
coming down it going to a house that was a little below the hill so we
got scared and almost backed down, but then I said, "Sister Johnson,
we're going to this house. That was a prompting from God."  So we did.
We drove up that hill that was easily more than 45 degrees, and we
were so scared.  We were gonna die, but alas, here I am writing, so
obviously we didn't.  We got to the top of the hill and knocked on
the door.  A man's voice yelled, "Come in!"  So we did and asked for
Pam.  He said she just went to the house at the bottom of the hill.
Her mother who was the less active member lived there, and she was just
visiting her.  We went to the door and she let us right in.  She told
us that she was usually busy working, and it was hard to catch her, but
she was home taking care of her husband since he just had a surgery.
She is so willing to let us come back, too! So, yay! We got a new

On Saturday we ran through all of our plans in about two hours, until
some set appointments later on in the day.  So we went to help an
elderly lady clean her house.  Then, we had an appointment with our
second new investigator, Beverly!  She is so awesome! I love her.  She
had such fantastic questions, and I'm so excited to teach her.

On Sunday we got to go over to a member's house and watch the Christmas
devotional with Elder Hoyt and Lunceford.  It was really nice.  It
really brought the Christmas spirit. I really liked Pres. Uchtdorf's talk.
I hope you were all able to watch it. If not, go track it down. I hope
you're all able to bring more of the Christmas spirit into your life.
Have a wonderful white week!

Sister Shelton

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