Monday, December 28, 2015



I just thought I should let you all know in case you missed the memo.
WHICH MEANT I GOT TO SKYPE MY FAMILY!  Aw... :) They're the best.  And
they're doing well in case you were wondering.  I hope someone more
than my family is reading this email, or this was a very unimportant

Other than that, normal missionary work has been going great!  We saw
Beverly this week, and we attempted to soft commit her to baptism.  I
honestly wasn't thinking she would, but that wasn't our intention.  We
mostly just wanted to make sure she knew that that was what we were
hoping she would progress towards, and now she knows it, so I'm happy
with it.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and was able to focus on the
true meaning, and have a happy New Year!

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