Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 20, 2017 - I Know. I'm Boring.

Hey world!

So, this week has been bittersweet.  I lost my lil Redsters, and gained me Webster.  Or... Sister Webb. Haha! She's awesome!  And we've already had so many adventures.

Once again, we helped Liz pack up her final belongings to head out to her new home.  But one of the many days we saw her, we were just sitting down after a hard few hours of packing, and we got a call from a lady named Delma, and she was crying!  She said she saw a card we'd left on her door a few days ago, and just decided she needed to call it.  First of all, that's incredible, second of all, I've always wanted a card in the door story, and third of all Alma 37:6.  So, we came right over and cheered her up.  Turns out Delma is a member whose records got lost along the way.  Also, turns out she referred Joy and Christina, her neighbors, to us, and we're going to try to be sneaky and teach them too.  Also, turns out she has a son that (I think) is a member, and we're gonna sneak our way into his life, too.  Also, turns out she loves the church so much she came to church on Sunday! #goldmine

On Friday night we had dinner over at our Bishop's house, and it was so much fun!  I love their family so much!  Their son, Jacob, invited his friend, Jamie, over, too, and we had a bomb lesson all about prayer.  We based the lesson off of the January 2017 New Era article called, "Five Questions to Ask when Prayers Feel Unanswered."  It's a really good one.  Ya'll should check it out.

On Saturday we had the awesome privilege of going over to a baptism that took place in the Asheville Ward.  Is was a lady named Laura, who got baptized by Elder Park, and her son who has autism, named Griffin, who got baptized by President Griffin.  I know.  So cute!  Griffin got
baptized first, and they let him stay in the water to watch his mom get baptized, and then he stayed in the font for a minute or two to play in the water.  It was awesome!

Well, I hope ya'll have a wonderful week.  Keep up the church, praying, and reading. #cpr

Sister Shelton

 Rip Sister Reddish.  #loveher
  Our first P day this transfer. Hiking up Blue Ridge Parkway. 

And last but not least,  here's my new companion, Sister Webb!  #lovehertoo

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