Monday, January 9, 2017



Well, it's my first week here in Weaverville with Reddish, and so far, it. Is. Awesome.  I seriously love her.  I can tell this was all inspired by God.  I don't know how yet, but it is!

My first day I got to meet some of the ward members at Young Women's, and  I got to meet our awesome investigator, Fernando.  He's so great! Straight from Brazil, and he's already speaking English like a pro in just a few months.  He really loves our visits, and I think there's a lot of potential with him.

I also got to meet our Ward mission leader and his wife, the Evans. They are so sweet, and their dog, Darby, loves us.  While we were on our way over to them.... It. Started. Snowing!!!!  We were both freaking out! We both felt like we hadn't seen snow in like two years.  And I wasn't expecting to see it again until next winter which would have made me so sad!  But we saw it! It's there!  It's actually pretty deep, too!  We even had a snowball fight and everything!  I LOVE SNOW!!!!.... And then we got snowed in the next morning..... Cause that's just the south for ya.  But we were able to go by foot by the end of the day.

The next day, church was canceled.  It was the first time in my life that church had ever been canceled.  I didn't like it.  It didn't even feel like the Sabbath.  We tried to make it a little better by
watching a little video about the Sabbath, but nope... It didn't feel like the Sabbath.  But it was nice watching the devotional by Elder Nelson for young adults.  He's pretty hilarious.  And so is his wife! If you didn't get the chance to see it, I'd definitely recommend it. It's at, and he talks all about getting to know the Savior and being the rising generation, which keeps becoming more and more of a reality every single day.

I hope ya'll have a blessed time in the snow!  If you're in Tennessee getting my email, stay inside. If you're out west, do whatever you want.  But in all things, remember Christ.

Sister Shelton

Welcome to the Ashville Zone.

This is how much we love snow!

But for reals though, this is Sister Reddish. I love her!

An ode to Sister Reddish:

Just when I thought I was tall, she was taller.
Just when I thought I was dead, she was deader.
Just when I thought I was awkward, she was more awkward. 

Yes folks, we are the tallest, deadest, most awkward STL's the TKM has ever seen. 

(But I have bigger hands and feet than her, so at least I've got something.)

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