Monday, February 29, 2016

Party all day er' day!

Hey er'body!

So, this week was full of all sorts of events!  So, we didn't do very much "typical" missionary work.  But even on top of the not so normal week we had, we still got another investigator because we're awesome. But really it's the spirit that's awesome. His name is Harley, and he's pretty much a party.

On Saturday in the morning we went over to a member's house to help set up for a baby shower for a lady in our ward who is having a baby girl soon!  Then we got to just hang out there with all of the ladies in our ward.  Also, I'm not saying our present was the best present, but it was the best present.  We got a little onesie, and we made a little missionary name tag for the little girl coming into the world, so she can pretend to be a missionary her whole life.  Or you know, instead of just pretending, she can just go and be one and share the gospel with all of her friends even without the name tag.

Then that night we went over to the church for a spaghetti dinner/auction that the young women were doing to raise money for their girls' camp this year.  It was crazy!  Some people spent $40 on a plate of cookies, but that's the kind of thing we do for a good cause.  The sisters from the Pleasant Ridge ward ended up getting some tres leches (I donated a whole 2 dollars to it!) that we took back to our apartment and scarfed down cause it was really really good!

After they came and partied with us for a little bit, we went on a team-up with Sister Long to go see Beverly!  It's just so much fun seeing Beverly, and everyone she's met from the ward is in love  with her, but hey, she's just adorable like that.  Oh, and if she was reading this email right now, she'd definitely say, "I'm just me!" And yeah, she is just her, but just her is adorable.  I'll have to get a picture of her for ya'll.

The best part of this week was that time when Sister Murri turned 21! Now she can drink and things! ;) I definitely did my best to advertise her birthday to everyone in the ward.  I think I did a good job, too. She got two birthday presents from members of the ward, on top of many people in the halls saying happy birthday to her randomly.  We even got the whole Relief Society to sing to her.  Oh yeah, and then we got 3 dinners, but hey, that's just life as a missionary, NBD. It was definitely a fun week.  I hope y'ns had a good one as well!  Remember that God loves you and wants to hear from you! Oh, and so do I, but pray to Him before you write me!

Sister Shelton

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